We conduct 1 day, ½ day and 1-2 hour lifestyle and health courses at your work location office.
The topics on the courses includes the following:
- A self assessment of your current health and lifestyle.
- An overview of how the body at a cellular level works.
- Your need to be determined to follow the Steps 2 Health.
- Emotions and how they impact your health.
- Diet: raw v/s cooked, acid v/s alkaline foods, low stress foods v/s high stress foods, juicing, sprouting.
- Sleep.
- Exercise.
- Meditation/ relaxation.
- Stressful reactions.
- Water.
- Eliminating waste products from the body.
- An example of a 3 day diet.
Tim Coard is an experienced naturopath and adult educator who facilitates an engaging and passionate session to encourage you on the Steps 2 Health.
Up to 25 people can attend the courses.
1 day course: $150 per person.
½ day course: $80 per person.
1-2 hour sessions: $50 per person.